
For our health and the earth

What is it? I define it as appreciation for someone or something, an act or sentiment. For most of us we go about our lives not observing or acknowledging the blessings we have each and everyday.

Studies have shown that gratitude can help with better sleep and even lower blood sugar levels. For those of you who want to eat less or exercise more they have found being grateful reinforces your will power.

The more we are grateful we have improved lifespan, pain tolerance, resiliency, patience and optimism and a reduction in envy, jealousy and materialism. Our stress and anxiety are less and we have a more positive mind set.

The more we appreciate someone or something the more we take of them or it. We all should be grateful for our amazing bodies and the earth that provides for us. A few things that we can do to improve our water, land and air are:

  • Plant trees/shrubs
  • Plants in the home
  • Compost
  • Phosphate free soaps and detergents
  • Use a minimum amount of detergent/bleach
  • Use natural cleaners
  • Eliminate pesticides and herbicidesundefined

If you are wondering how you can increase your gratitude, you need to become aware and think about what you are grateful for. I thank my Lord each morning for a new day and my health and in the evening for my activities/accomplishments. Many people use a journal to write down what they are grateful for (be specific), either daily or weekly. In our fast pace world we have gotten away from “thank you” notes which are a great way to show our appreciation and it also gives the recipient a boost to their day. May we all increase our gratitude for better health of body, earth and society.